
Demon hunter stats diablo 3
Demon hunter stats diablo 3

demon hunter stats diablo 3

A maximum of 50 points can be placed in this stat, capping out at 50%. Critical Hit Damage: Placing points here will increase the player's Critical Hit Damage by 1.00% per point.A maximum of 50 points can be placed in this stat, capping out at 5%. Critical Hit Chance: Placing points here will increase the player's chance to deal a Critical Hit by 0.10% per point.A maximum of 50 points can be placed in this stat, capping out at 10% Cooldown Reduction: Placing points here will increase the player's Cooldown Reduction by 0.20% per point.Attack Speed: Placing points here will increase the player's Attack Speed by 0.20% per point.The Offense category contains stats that contribute to the player's damage abilities. It is best to first place points in the Movement Speed stat until you reach the maximum 25%, followed by the next stat of your choice. TIP: Movement Speed is capped out at 25% for all players (excluding active abilities that increase movement speed). There is a maximum of 50 points you can place in this category. +Maximum Resource: Placing points here will increase your maximum resource depending on the class you play.There is a limit of 50 points you can place in this category. Movement Speed: Each point placed in this category is worth 0.50% Increased Movement speed.Vitality: Placing points here will increase the player's maximum health. There is no limit to how many paragon points you can place in this stat.There is no limit to how many paragon points you can place in this stat. For example, a Barbarian will have Strength as an option here. Strength/Dexterity/Intelligence: The stat listed here is based on the class you are playing.The Core category contains stats that contribute to the overall core power of a player. Paragon Points are awarded to each category in the following manner: As mentioned before, there are four different stat categories that a player can use paragon points upon gaining a paragon level.

Demon hunter stats diablo 3